
Getting Sick
Getting Sick
Getting Sick
A minor league hockey team thought getting a few college students out on its ice for 'College Olympics' on Jan. 18 would make for memorable intermission entertainment. They were right…for all the wrong reasons.
Man Caught Drunk Driving – In a Teletubbies Costume
Man Caught Drunk Driving – In a Teletubbies Costume
Man Caught Drunk Driving – In a Teletubbies Costume
The NHL is still locked out and that makes me wonder what are the players doing in their free time. Riley Sheahan, of the Detroit Red Wings, seems to be having some fun - in interesting ways. Riley was stopped last month, October 29th, in Grand Rapids for suspecion of driving under the influence.
Fanatic? Guy Buys Locker Room Toilet for $5,300
Fanatic? Guy Buys Locker Room Toilet for $5,300
Fanatic? Guy Buys Locker Room Toilet for $5,300
Some folks take their love and passion for a sport to obsession levels or even beyond. Jim Vigmond is a huge fan (understatement) of the Toranto Maple Leafs and he bought a player used toilet (not pictured) from the old Maple Leaf Gardens for $5,300.

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