Video Games

Tech Tuesday – nD Indie Game Platform. Watch out Nintendo!
Tech Tuesday – nD Indie Game Platform. Watch out Nintendo!
Tech Tuesday – nD Indie Game Platform. Watch out Nintendo!
I'm a Nintendo fan. I love a lot of their games and I have a Wii and a Nintendo DS.  I owned a Gamecube and plan on upgrading to a WiiU when personal economics allow. But every now and then something really inspiring comes along to shake my loyalty to a well proven company or platform. This indie game platform, is starting to do that now.
Tech Thursday – Google Moving Into Cloud Game Consoles Now?
Tech Thursday – Google Moving Into Cloud Game Consoles Now?
Tech Thursday – Google Moving Into Cloud Game Consoles Now?
An anonymous tipster has told of a Google job listing for a Product Manager for Games at the Mountain View, California search giant. The ad says it's a rare opportunity to grow a new business. Does this mean Google is planning on going big time with games?
Tech Thursday – The Legend of Zelda Turns 25!
Tech Thursday – The Legend of Zelda Turns 25!
Tech Thursday – The Legend of Zelda Turns 25!
Do you remember the glory days of video gaming? The Nintendo Entertainment system, Coleco-vision,  The Atari 2600? All classics and bring a smile to many adults faces when they remember the hours spent playing their favorite games. One of those classic games is celebrating 25 years. So get your TriForce and hookup with Link to save Princess Zelda of Hyrule!
Enough With The 3D
Enough With The 3D
Enough With The 3D
It seems like we are being forced into 3D everything these days.  Television is making it an option, and it's making a huge comeback at the movies.  Now, even video games are being made 3D.
Football is OK, but I like E-Sports!
Football is OK, but I like E-Sports!
Football is OK, but I like E-Sports!
And so the day has come. The BIG game, which contrary to what you may read on the internet, is NOT named after me. But for many it's still going to be a great night. But for some like me, who are not big football fans it's a night for another kind of sport. E-Sport!