
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
The public has spoken and Monopoly will cast away the boring old iron token, a symbol of domestic housework from a simpler time (it's not even an electric iron), which has been included in the board game for almost 80 years. In its place will be a cat. Hey, are you really that surprised? The internet loves cats.
12 Cats Who Aren’t Happy About Getting a Bath
12 Cats Who Aren’t Happy About Getting a Bath
12 Cats Who Aren’t Happy About Getting a Bath
There's no sense in denying cats can be a little sassy from time to time, simply because they're not afraid to make it totally obvious they hate something. Costumes? Check. Reindeer antlers? Double check. Their 'tude doesn't make them any less adorable, though! It's sort of charming, actually.
10 Cats Stuck in Things
10 Cats Stuck in Things
10 Cats Stuck in Things
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
As 2012 comes to an end and we're reminiscing about the year's greatest internet celebs, there's a certain hilarious feline that tops our list-- the one and only 'Grumpy Cat.' Tarder Sauce, as the sad kitty is also known, first debuted on Reddit, and the feline has since become a furry superstar, scoring interviews left and right and inspiring tons of funny memes.
Meet The Politest Cat On The Internet
Meet The Politest Cat On The Internet
Meet The Politest Cat On The Internet
Cats have a reputation for being rude and mean, and in some cases it's not entirely undeserved. In other cases, though, there are cats who demonstrate just the opposite. Like this one, who politely taps a human on the arm, and keeps it up until he gets some scratches...
Meet An Over-Sized Cat Who Loves Heavy Metal [VIDEO]
Meet An Over-Sized Cat Who Loves Heavy Metal [VIDEO]
Meet An Over-Sized Cat Who Loves Heavy Metal [VIDEO]
My heart is always warmed to its core when I hear about or see fellow creatures who love and appreciate heavy metal. The latest is a fat, furry cat who lies on his owner as he plays the air drums. He is not phased at all and actually looks like he is quite enjoying it, which I don't blame him. Watch the comical video after the jump.

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