
Chinese Soliders Play Hot Potato With Live Grenade [VIDEO]
Chinese Soliders Play Hot Potato With Live Grenade [VIDEO]
Chinese Soliders Play Hot Potato With Live Grenade [VIDEO]
Want more proof that they are absolutely crazy in China?  Well then here you go.  These soldiers literally take a live grenade and pass it around like a drunk girl at a frat house.  Perhaps they have decided to take Russian roulette and kick it up a notch?  Not sure why you would ever pass around a live grenade in a real life combat situation, but at least these Chinese soldiers know that they can
Tech Thursday – Fake Apple Stores in China? Not That Suprised
Tech Thursday – Fake Apple Stores in China? Not That Suprised
Tech Thursday – Fake Apple Stores in China? Not That Suprised
If you've been to New York City, you've seen the guys on street corners selling bootlegs of everything from watches to movies. Obviously, those products are not the real deal. But in China, there has been a growing number of fake Apple Stores popping up and then being torn down.