This is kind of a game changer ...

Now if you have noticed that you have become somewhat of a beer connoisseur as the craft brew industry has grown then you, like many of us, probably have the Untappd app on your phone.

For those of you unfamiliar, Untappd allows you to enter in the craft beverages you drink into the app so you can keep track of new brews, old brews, your favorite brews, and where you and your friends are drinking your brews, all in one spot on your smartphone or tablet. The app even get allows you to earn badges along your beer journey.

If you have used or use the app regularly then you know it also was a bit time consuming and you had to manually enter (by typing out) the beverages you were drinking and search for them in the app. Occasionally some of them couldn't even be found in the database so it would make it hard to add some to your list.

Well according to engadget the latest update for the app is making this task a little less daunting by adding a barcode scanner so you can just scan your bottle or can and add it to you list.

Then they also added a feature where you can request an Uber right from the app! Some of those delicious craft beverages can have high alcohol percentages and really creep up on you thus necessitating an alternate mode of transportation home.

Now if we could just get lawmakers to allow Uber into the Capitol Region we'd be all set! I for one am waiting patiently ...

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