
Reporter Breaks Up Street Fight [Video]
Reporter Breaks Up Street Fight [Video]
Reporter Breaks Up Street Fight [Video]
Reporter Shomari Stone was getting ready to shoot his prerecorded piece for a his local Seattle news station when he saw a brawl going on.  He decided to be a good Samaritan and intervene to break up the fight.  The coolest part is that Stone is an African American and the man he saved was a reported White Supremacist.  Check out the exclusive footage.
Best Hockey Fight This Year
Best Hockey Fight This Year
Best Hockey Fight This Year
This is hands down the best fight on the ice so far this season. A full on BRAWL between the New York Islanders and Pittsburgh Penguins that started out like any other hockey fight, but things got crazy as it escalated throughout the game.  It resulted in a number of fines and suspensions for both teams.