Practicing safe sex is always the best practice. So please, tell me why in the hell would people feel the need to "check in" where they are having protected sex?

So I might be a little slow when it came to this news, because early this year Planned Parenthood released condoms with bar codes on them in effort to promote safe sex.

Here's the deal: the condoms, themselves, have a bar code on them. You are supposed to "scan" the code after use and that will post your general location to a global map of safe sex.

The site,, is anonymous  Although, because love people love to talk about themselves via social media, you can leave details of your sexual conquest and give it a "Score" of "needs more work" to "amazing."

It was a hit from day one and people are still posting. So pretty much it's Foursquare for sex. Now you don't need a bar coded condom, you just need to type in some basic info. Go to the map,, there are actual posting from the Capital region including "an over 50 guy and a girl" from Schenectady.

To that I say, WOW. I'm truly speechless. I am all for promoting safe sex but I can't believe - no wait, I can believe it with the way social media culture is nowadays - that people want to post about their sexual encounters online.



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