Glitch Suicide is a 31-year-old SuicideGirl from Canada. She likes tea… a lot. She drinks tea…a lot. She works at a tea shop and is probably more into tea than she would be into you, if you dated her — which is unlikely.

Glitch Suicide is a very kinky lass who appreciates deviancy, fetishism and all the wonderful actions and feelings that go along with a healthy life. She even honed her knowledge in an adult gift shop prior to her foray into tea. While fetish play isn't the sort of activity you'd expect to see celebrated in your local tea shop, your local tea merchant probably doesn't have more than a half-dozen tattoos and a hood piercing.

Glitch is not as keen on conservatism, misogyny, racism, animal cruelty or fake breasts. We think you'll agree with her that most of those things are boner-killers for you, too. …

'Cept one, natch. Vive la silicone difference!

AGE: 31

LOCATION: British Columbia, Canada

OCCUPATION: Tea Shop manager, ex-body jewelry retailer, ex-adult shop associate, alchemist, vegan, vagabond, student of life, kinkster, activist, moon child, space enthusiast, ninja bot, moon child, Sith apprentice.

MAKES HER HAPPY: Sci-fi, weed, space, blood, ocean, boobies, kitties, robots, tea, cartoons, pretty ladies, drugs, bikes, makeup, tea, music.

MAKES HER SAD: Politics, stereotypes, religion, breakouts.

INTO: Polyamory, zombies, freaks, glasses, girls, art, fans, alchemy, aromatherapy, fruit, anime, science, stars, moon, witches, satanism, atheism, insects, riots, revolution, cats, corsets, vampires, bicycles, makeup…more.

NOT INTO: Conservatives, racism, misogyny, fake breasts, war, animal cruelty, materialism, people afraid to be themselves, repression, meat, religion, stereotypes, PMA.

SHE SPENDS MOST OF HER FREE TIME: Cuddling kitties, one-on-one time, walking, reading, dancing, going to local shows, sex, exploring my body, conversing, questioning, dreaming, painting, cooking, movies, browsing, Instagram-ing, tea drinking, thrift-ing, cycling.

Glitch Suicide 2

SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates alternative beauty and alternative culture from all over the world. Since 2001, tens of thousands of models have submitted millions of photos to their website hoping to become SuicideGirls.

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