This is the only picture of people playing in a leaf pile that we have at Q103, the picture is from 1936, the kid in the picture is Flounder, from when he had hair.


Just face it, Summer is over and soon the tree's will shed their leaves, because that is what happens in the Capital Region.

It's Summer for a handful of months and people go on vacation, then they come back and complain about the weather and wish that they were back on vacation, where ever they went on vacation.

I don't understand why they just don't stay here when the weather is nice, and go somewhere else when it is cold.

That is not what this blog is about.

This blog is about piles of leaves, piles and piles and piles and piles of leaves and how I want to see them, because I love this time of year.

There is a little chill in the air, the leafs change color, the NFL season starts so that the Lions can win the Super Bowl.

Getting off track here, this is about leaves Dan!!!!

It's about leaves!!!

Yes piles of leaves and I want to see them, I want to see people smiling and playing and frolicking in the leaves, kids, pets, senior citizens!!!

I want to see the biggest pile, the smallest pile, I even want to see piles of leaves that people should avoid because a dog peed on it!

No one ever told me to avoid that pile.

Show us your leaves.

Happy Autumn.

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