
Tech Tuesday – Verizon to Sell Your Online Information to Advertisers
Tech Tuesday – Verizon to Sell Your Online Information to Advertisers
Tech Tuesday – Verizon to Sell Your Online Information to Advertisers
If you're a Verizon customer, you may have noticed or maybe not, the change in Verizon's privacy policy for using their service. They have been sending out emails, but it is possible that you thought it was just another ad. Well, it's not. Verizon will be selling your Web browsing history, cell phone location and app usage, for third-party marketing purposes. The bright side is, you can opt-out! R
The Best Slow Motion Fails [VIDEOS]
The Best Slow Motion Fails [VIDEOS]
The Best Slow Motion Fails [VIDEOS]
Even if you are a good person you love to watch people fail at something, especially when that fail happens to be hilarious and in slow motion. Pretty much every single mishap in the world is on video these days and even a new born baby has a YouTube account so everything is uploaded almost immediately...
Tech Tuesday – Magic Mirror will Let You Surf from the Bathroom
Tech Tuesday – Magic Mirror will Let You Surf from the Bathroom
Tech Tuesday – Magic Mirror will Let You Surf from the Bathroom
The New York Times R&D Lab is releasing info on a new mirror, dubbed "The Magic Mirror", that allows you to have access to the internet from your bathroom. It's built using Microsoft's Kinect Motion Sensing Technology for physical cues and voice recognition to give you the information you want, when you want it. I don't know about you, but I talk funny with a toothbrush in my mouth.
Can Wasting Time Online Improve Employee Productivity?
Can Wasting Time Online Improve Employee Productivity?
Can Wasting Time Online Improve Employee Productivity?
In a study that anyone who works in an office will heartily embrace, researchers found that spending small parts of the day wasting time on the Internet makes workers more productive because it acts to mentally refresh them. “Browsing the Internet serves an important restorative function,” concludes the report from the National University of Singapore.
Using the Internet Could Affect Your Memory
Using the Internet Could Affect Your Memory
Using the Internet Could Affect Your Memory
Seems Internet resources such as search engines could make you less likely to recall information. So says a new study, anyway, which sought to discover how likely people are to remember something if they knew they could also find it on a computer.
Bathroom-Based Social Network Plungr Promises to ‘Unclog’ Internet [VIDEO]
Bathroom-Based Social Network Plungr Promises to ‘Unclog’ Internet [VIDEO]
Bathroom-Based Social Network Plungr Promises to ‘Unclog’ Internet [VIDEO]
This month marked Internet Week in NYC, during which web comedian Alex Blagg of A Bajillion Hits introduced Plungr, a pretend (we hope) bathroom-based social media start-up. Plungr, says Blagg, will combine popular social networking sites to create an outlet for bathroom enthusiasts to express their passion for porcelain. That’s right, gone are the days when your friends are left out of cutting ed
Mint – Free Online Budget Tracking Tool
Mint – Free Online Budget Tracking Tool
Mint – Free Online Budget Tracking Tool
After finishing up school and starting a full-time job, I'm starting (or at least attempting) to keep track of my finances and set budget goals before I have to start paying off my student loans. This is where you insert the blood curdling scream...
What To Do When There’s Nothing To Do- Three Internet-Less Tips
What To Do When There’s Nothing To Do- Three Internet-Less Tips
What To Do When There’s Nothing To Do- Three Internet-Less Tips
You probably didn't notice, but I haven't blogged nearly as much this week as I usually do. That's because I've had so much electrical/technological drama associated with my mom's new computer that also affected my laptop. It's a long story that's still in the works, but not having the internet for a few days inspired me to write a blog about other things you can do when it isn't available. We as
The Dangers Of The Internet–90’s Style
The Dangers Of The Internet–90’s Style
The Dangers Of The Internet–90’s Style
I love when something new comes around.  This clip from the early 90's about the dangers of the internet is hilarious.  I mean the internet is full of crazy things and a whole lot of creepers, but I think some of the warnings that they were preaching about early on may be a bit over dramatic.

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