
Baggy Pants Banned In Illinois Town [Video]
Baggy Pants Banned In Illinois Town [Video]
Baggy Pants Banned In Illinois Town [Video]
The town of Collinsville, Illinois, which is about 20 miles from St. Louis, Missouri, is currently under controversy, as City Council members have recently banned baggy pants. The mayor isn't so happy about the decision, but he was overruled, as 75% of people in the town were for it. Watch the video below and read on for more information.
The “Home Alone” House Is For Sale
The “Home Alone” House Is For Sale
The “Home Alone” House Is For Sale
When you were little and watched the famous movie Home Alone with child star Macaulay Culkin, did you ever say, hey what a nice house I'd love to live there? Well now you can. The five bedroom, three and a half bathroom house is for sale, and it's "only" $2.4 million.