Jack Burkman, a Washington lobbyist, introduced on Monday a bill that would ban anyone who is openly gay from playing in the NFL. (You know, because the government doesn't have better things to do)

This all stems from Michael Sam publicly acknowledging that was he was gay. When Sam is drafted in April, he will be the first openly gay athlete in the NFL. When he 'came out,' many spoke in praise of Sam's courage calling him 'inspirational.' Buckman however sees things differently

We are losing our decency as a nation

"We are losing our decency as a nation. Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man. That’s a horrifying prospect for every mom in the country. What in the world has this nation come to?," Burkman said in his statement. "If the NFL has no morals and no values, then Congress must find values for it."

According to Burkman, he has political support on the bill but he wouldn't say who from and he could not be contacted by The Hill for further comment. Berkman is the head of his own lobbyist company, Burkman Associates, who helps companies secure federal contracts. So why the push to get a ban on gay athletes in the NFL?

Who knows but interesting enough Jack has a gay brother by the name of Jim. The other Burkman spoke to the Huffington Post about his brother and the proposed bill saying “He is my brother and I love him, and we don’t see eye-to-eye on any political issues, certainly gay rights. But I told him years ago he should back off on gay issues, and if he ever crosses the line I would be happy to speak up as his gay brother. Today I felt he crossed the line.”

Jim continued by saying “I think the idea that he is pushing legislation that is just hurtful and ridiculous is just plain stupid. He is not a legislator and he can’t really push legislation. I don’t think there are any cosponsors for a bill. It is just an attention grab and a media grab to pander to those folks who pay him to lobby on their behalf."

Is it all just a stunt? That could be questionable considering a proposed law in Arizona that would allow business owners, based on their own religious beliefs, to not serve gay people.

Have we not moved forward as a country when it comes to this topic?



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