You dream about it all the time in one way, shape or form - having a pile of money fall right into your lap.   Perhaps winning the lottery, finding a pirate's treasure chest in your back yard or maybe finding a copy of the Declaration of Independence at a flea market.  We all dream of it.  Well, for one lucky man, this dream came true when he purchased an abandoned storage unit and found a fortune inside.

In a scene reminiscent of A&E's TV show Storage Wars, a man from San Jose went to Contra Costa County and placed a bid on an abandoned storage unit.  In California, once a storage unit has not been paid on for three months, the unit's contents become available for public auction.   Bidders can not rummage through the contents, but they are allowed a quick peak from afar.  The man who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, plopped down $1,100 for a unit.  Inside?  How about a half of a million dollars worth of Spanish gold coins!?

The $500,000 worth of gold coins were placed inside of a Rubber Maid bin according to the article .'s Auction House PR states "According to sources the treasure was reviewed by an expert who described it as "Spanish gold" and believed that the coins dated to sometime between the 16th and 19th century."

Just imagine finding these coins stashed in a bin like that.  This NEVER happens to ol' Monte.  NEVER!  What about you?  Do you have any hidden treasure stories?

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