Who doesn't love a good political scandal? Especially a scandal that involves a New York City Mayor, a groundhog and a murder! This scandal is so juicy I’m not certain if I am reading an online story or chomping down starburst.

The scoop is in February, de Blasio gathered for a photo opp with Staten Island Zoo officials and legendary groundhog Staten Island Chuck. In front of a crowd of people, de Blasio realized he was not groundhog holding material and let the little guy slip out of his hand dropping him on his squishy groundhog face. Allegedly, Staten Island Chuck died about a week later from internal injuries. And to further the juiciness of this scandal, the Staten Island Zoo has been accused of covering up the groundhog's death and trying to pass off another groundhog in his place.

Did de Blasio kill the ground hog? I sure hope not because you know as the old saying goes, “If the groundhog pops his head out of his hole and sees his life disappear at the hands of a New York City mayor then it means 6 more centuries of global warming for all."

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