This past weekend, I found this cat in a small used book store and I'm not sure how to feel about it. If there is one thing on this planet that I absolutely love, it's cats. Cats of all kinds, lions, tigers, and even Andrew Lloyd Webber productions. So naturally putting a cat in this book store was a brilliant idea to get me in the door.

My fiancé and I were wandering around the streets of Portsmouth, NH when we saw a sign with an arrow that said "books." I don't normally like to be told where to go by arrows, but this time I followed directions. We took a few turns down a narrow alley when we found a house that had been converted into a single-room book store. There was a cat standing in the window so I felt obligated to go in. Once inside, it was clear that the only occupant of this store was my fiancé, myself and the cat. Was this cat an employee?

Clearly this cat is a terrible employee. For starters, it never asked "how are you" or said "hello" when we walked in. Also, with the lack of thumbs, how is this cat to handle our money once we would like to purchase a book? I was uncomfortable with the idea of a cat taking away a potential job from a hard working american human so I did the only thing I felt was right. I pet this cat under its chin and then hit the bricks without buying anything.


Lesson learned here: If you want to get me in your store, have a cat.

Also how uncomfortably close is that cat's tail to that power strip?


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