You either don't care, or this is the greatest news ever.

If you don't wear glasses, this might be harder to understand. Wearing glasses is the worst. They fog, they slip. If I lose them, it's now almost impossible to find them. They're uncomfortable, and they're costly.

There, I got that out of my system. Let's move on to solutions. There's laser eye surgery, which seems to have varying results. Well that's really the only other option now isn't it. Not for long, prepare to become bionic.

An optometrist in British Columbia has come up with what amounts to a super contact lens. The difference here is that it would give you 3x 20/20 vision, and would never have to be removed, reports CBCNews. The entire procedure is said to take all of eight minutes

There are still a lot of tests to be done, but there seems to be a timeline where Canada has this ready to go in two years. Get your passports ready.

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