
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
Worst Parking Lot in the Capital Region?
I am a parking snob who can not parallel park because I like places with good parking but some in the Capital Region have awful parking lots where I don't have to parallel park and it makes you think: "What were they thinking when they built this place?"
Military Veteran Parks In Vets-Only Parking Spot; Greeted with Nasty Note [Video]
Military Veteran Parks In Vets-Only Parking Spot; Greeted with Nasty Note [Video]
Military Veteran Parks In Vets-Only Parking Spot; Greeted with Nasty Note [Video]
A Wilmington, N.C., woman who is a military veteran parked her car in a spot designated for veterans only at a local grocery store. When Mary Claire Caine came out after her grocery shopping last week, she was greeted with a note plastered to her window that scorned her for parking in a spot clearly marked for veterans only, WECT-TV reported.
Specialty Parking
Specialty Parking
Specialty Parking
It goes without saying that there should specialty parking spots for the handicapped and maybe even expecting mothers. But what South Korea is doing takes it a step further with "Women Only" parking spaces.

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