What better way to help save lives than with a bit of rock and roll, fun, and killer prizes!

In case you have yet to hear, Q103 and the American Red Cross have teamed up for our first Annual Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve Blood Drive Tuesday, February 20th at Jupiter Hall at Lucky strike Social inside the Crossgates Mall from Noon until 7pm!

Blood Drive_RockNRoll Tribute Night2

You know I don't think I really realized how many people need blood on the daily. On average every 2 seconds somewhere in the United States needs blood and in order to receive that desperately needed blood someone somewhere has to have cared enough to donate some of their own. I'm like many in the country who until recently never really thought about giving blood before. After some of the catastrophes that have happened in the states over the last couple of years, I really started looking into it more and realized that there are people in need every day not just when disaster hits so I'm really happy to be a part of this fun event for such a great cause.

If you would like to help and donate we would love to see you out at Lucky Strike for Q103's Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve on February 20th anytime between 12pm and 7pm! Now we realize that it does take some time to come out and donate so the Red Cross has set up a page where you can preregister and save yourself some of that valuable time (and paperwork) you can preregister right now by clicking HERE.

While you are donating the Q will be treating you to some acoustic sets from Margo Macero and Bad Mothers! Plus Tig and I will be broadcasting our shows live from Jupiter Hall while giving you ample opportunities to score some killer prizes from the Q!

After all the donations have been collected please stay and enjoy all that Lucky Strike has to offer like food, drinks, bowling, pool, and virtual shooting then join us for the Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve after party! We have got some of the Capital Regions finest rockers lined up to plug and play a FREE show for you as a thank you for all your support!

Join us at 8pm in Jupiter Hall to see a FREE show from Bad Mothers, Frank Palangi, and just announced a special rare performance by Moriah Formica and her brother Gabe Formica!


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