You’ve surely noticed that we’ve made a few changes around here - a brand new website with a whole new idea behind it. We’d like you to be a part of this and it’s pretty easy to do!If you’ve been reading through our new sites you’ll see a lot of content here from your favorite DJs regarding everything going on in the world.

So what interests you?

Do you have a hobby you’d like to share with others? Are you pop culture nut? Do you thrive on the local band scene? Do you make your own beer? Are you a sports fanatic? Are you on a local sports team and would love to talk about it? Maybe you love history and want to share your knowledge? Love to cook? Love to eat? The list goes on and on!

We’d love to give you a platform where you can express yourself and share your thoughts with thousands of readers a month.

You won’t get paid but you can pretend that you’re famous and we won’t tell anyone otherwise!

If you’re interested in being a contributor to our website, please fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.

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