There are numerous tips and tricks out there regarding hiccups and how to get rid of them. Most of us have probably tried all of them with the majority having little to no affect. You no longer have to waste time holding your breath, drinking water backwards, standing on your head while drinking through a straw or any other ridiculous myth that will make you fall or pass out. Now, all you need to do to cure those annoying little spasms is suck on a lollipop.

A 13-year-old Connecticut girl has invented lollipops that will actually cure your bout of hiccups. Mallory Kievman has teamed up with a handful of MBA's to market her "Hiccupops" and plans to make them available nationwide very soon.

The juvenile scientist produced the pops in her own kitchen at home after nearly two ears of research and almost 100 different concoctions. She took the typical remedies for hiccups and used those to come up with her creation. The secret ingredients: apple cider vinegar and extra sugar.

If and when Kievman's prodcut does become available in stores it will be classified under nutraceuticals, which are defined as "consumable foodstuff that produces healthy benefits." This food group can be scare but very beneficial, as they produce little to no side effects.

Naturally, I wanted them to stop, so I researched some rumored cures for hiccups. Regarding the “Hiccupops” themselves, she added, The ingredients in the lollipop we found overstimulate a set of nerves in your throat and mouth that are responsible for the hiccups reflex arc.

The FDA is impressed with the talent of such a young girl and advise her to market the pop as candy, as they have not yet been tested to see if they really do work. I'll definitely take part in the testing of this product if and when they are available!

[Web Pro News]

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