For those of you who haven't noticed, one of our Q-Tease street team members has been "missing" since May. Don't worry, she's fine, but she had to take a leave of absence. Read on to find out where she's been and what she's been up to!

The missing link is our very beautiful and crazy Jodi, who has been a Q-Tease for over a year now. The reason she's out is because she's expecting a baby! Oh, and it's a boy!

Jodi has been pregnant since January, and her little baby boy, whom she decided to name Tyler James, is due October 8.

Since she has been on maternity leave, Jodi has completed her first two years of school at Schenectady


County Community College, and got her associates degree in Criminal Justice. After Tyler is born, she plans to go back there to finish her Chemical Dependency Counseling degree so she can ultimately become a Probation Officer.

As for work, Jodi has gone from having a few jobs to just one full time job. She is the BMW and Mini Cooper service receptionist at Keeler Auto Group. Her job is pretty awesome, as she receives customer's payments and even gets to drive the cars!

Jodi has also moved into a different place where her and baby will have plenty of room. She's working on painting and decorating and getting ready for little Tyler to be born. She and her family and friends are all very supportive and looking forward to what is in store for her. We all hope Jodi has a successful, easy birth and a happy, healthy baby. With Jodi's approval, pictures of Tyler will be provided after he is born.

We are all so excited for Jodi and her baby-to-be and can't wait to meet him! We hope to see Jodi back with the rest of the Q-Tease by early next year!


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